The effect of organic acids and mineral-chelates
In poultry, organic acids have made a great contribution to the profitability in production by affecting performance as well. It aids in stabilising the gut and reducing the risk of levels of protozoa, such as Hexamita. In addition, organic acids have an antibacterial activity which is related to the reduction of pH value in the gut. The reduction of the gastrointestinal (GI) pH leads to increased gastric protein and amino acid digestibility which improves weight gain. The antimicrobial action of organic acids takes place in both the water and in the GI-tract of the animal. This happens in the foregut of the chicken (crop, gizzard, and proventriculus). Copper and zinc both play an important role in diverse body processes. The advantage of using minerals in chelated forms is that the binding with chelates ensures a better uptake. In game birds, we have found the best rearing and release results are seen if Ultimate Acid is used from 1 week of age and until the birds are transferred from pellet to wheat.
When to use Ultimate Acid
Ultimate Acid is successfully used for a good intestinal function during the starter period, before and after feed changes, after vaccinations, and to support the protein and amino acid digestion within the gastro-intestinal tract. Its effect on gut pH makes it useful in controlling e. coli. Ultimate Acid is successfully used for improving intestinal function during the rear and release of both partridge and pheasants. Using this product in conjunction with a Medigator has helped fight to reduce the use of antibiotics.
**Please note that in order to obtain any current discounts on this product, payment must be taken over the phone when ordering.**
About Kanters
Kanters products focus on drinking water hygiene, liquid nutritional supplements, water management and water quality. In the early 1980s, Kanters started as a broiler farm with innovative ideas on reducing antibiotic use, water hygiene and promoting animal health via the drinking water. In the late 1980s, Kanters Special Products was established and now for more than 30 years, their products have been proving themselves in more than 70 countries.. Kanters complies with all legislation and regulations regarding product safety and product quality. Manufactured in the Netherlands, Kanters range has quality and innovation at the core. Kanters complies with all legislation and regulations regarding product safety and product quality. They strive for continuous development for new solutions for efficiency, and their products have been developed in practice and extensively tested by vets, nutritionists and farmers. Poultry Pharm is proud to partner with Kanters to supply quality and innovative solutions to the poultry sector.